Relacion del ultimo viaje...
Estrecho de Magellanes...
& Apendice
Madrid, viuda de Ibarra. 1788 & idem 1793
(Palau 352514 y -515; Sabin 16765 & 1729; Hill 1756)
In quarto; contemporary red morocco
Spine comparted and gilt embossed
Handpainted, blue endpaper
Portrait: Magellan
2 lvs; 7 lvs; folded map; p. 1-70; 4 folded tables;
p. 75-160; one folded map; p. 161-360; two folding maps.
(Apendice 1793):
2 nn lvs; p.1-97; folding table (=98); p. 99-128; folded map
Complete with 5 folding maps and 5 folding tables. Good overall internal condition, slight water staining at the last leaves.
This book closes the Spanish chapter in the Straits of Magellan which begun with Magellan himself (1519) and included the famous Nodal brothers voyage 1618-1619. It contains an overview of all important voyages through Magellans Straits. The Appendix documents the voyage of the Fragata Santa Maria de la Cabeza, 1788-1789.
"This voyage was made to ascertain the advisability of Spaniards continuing to use the passage of the Strait in voyages to the Pacific. After these expeditions the Spanish trade routes were exclusively to east ports and then overland to Pacific ports" (Hill-)
"Tiene estimo en comercio" (Palau)
Ours is a highly attractive, unmanipulated copy once owned by Maria Baldavi, Baronesa de Llauri (Valencia)