Historis Journael van de Voyage gedaen met 3 schepen uyt Zeelant
Naer dOost-Indien, 1601-1604
Beschrijvinge van de tweede voyage..
onder Steven van Hagen
Amsterdam, Hartgens, 1648
(Tiele Mem 143; Landwehr VOC 251 and 198)
In quarto, modern quarter calf binding
94 pages including one engraved title page.
Spilbergen, pp 1-62, one folding plate with 6 images.
Van Hagen, pp 62-96. Pp 69-91 is translated from Caspar Balbi being the description from Cochin and Pegu.
Voyage to Ceylon (1601-1604) was carried out before the Dutch East India Company, VOC, was created in 1602 and paid for by the Flemish entrepreneur de Moucheron who lived now in Zeeland. Spilbergen established contact between the Dutch and the Ceylon King thus entering competition with the Portuguese monopoly.
Van Hagen was in charge of a military expedition between 1603 and 1605 against the Portuguese. He conquered Amboyna and Timor.
All Hartgens editions of the Dutch voyages are rare.
Unger, W.S. De oudste reizen van de Zeeuwen naar oost Indie, Linschoten Verenbiging, Nijhoff, the Hague 1948