Johan (Joao) de Castro
...Reys door Portugijzen na
Souez, Socotera..., de Roode Zee, 1540-41 AND
Rouwolf, Leendert,
...Reysen na...Syrien; Joodse land; Arabien;
Assierien en Armenien, 1573
Leyden, van der Aa, 1706
In folio, modern half black morocco and paper over boards
Title page with engraving; 44 columns on 22 pp and 5 plates in the text.
Title page with engraving 2 n lvs; 2 folding maps; 204 columns on 102 pp;
4 plates in the text; 4 nn lvs, index
Maps are:
Rouwolfs reystocht door de Levant...., 16x22,5cm, and
Rouwolfs landreyze van Aleppo naar Babylonyen, 16x22,5cm.
Rouwolf was a German physician, botanist and traveller from Augsburg.
The first is the voyage of Joao de Castro, explorer and geographer, from Goa, the capital of Portuguese Asia to the Red Sea to wipe out Turkish war ships. His description of Socotra and the west coast of the Red Sea remained the most accurate available till the XIX century.
The second is an extensive description of the Middel East and Persia with special emphasis on anthropology and natural history.