Verhael van de eerste Schipvaert.. by t Noorden om...
Joost Hartgens
Amsterdam, Adriaan Roest, 1650
Tiele, Memoire nr 102;
65 pp (last blank)
Pp 1&2: Title page with woodcut plate
6 original text engravings on copper plate
Small in quarto
XIX century cut and rebound in half brown morocco
Title in gilt on the spine
Hole in title page in old restoration, probably when rebound. Cut short just affecting a few of the headings.
Pp 3-46: The story of the three voyages by the Dutch to find the north-east passage to Cathay (China) in 1594; 1505 and 1596 under Willem Barentszoon and Jacob van Heemskerk. This well known text, published in 1598 is followed by a summary of
Pp 46&47: the fourth voyage North for the Dutch the third by Henry Hudson in 1609.
Pp 48-52: Isaac Massas description of Siberia, Samojeda en Tingoessa
Pp 52-60: Isaac Massas description of the roads and rivers going East from Moscovia
Pp 60-64: Johannes Pontanus: Plea to discover a NE or NW passage based on the history up till 1586
Second Hartgens imprint (first 1648). All Hartgens editions of the early Dutch voyages to the East are rare.
Muller, Samuel, Detectio Freti Hudsoni, Amsterdam, Muller 1878
S.P lHonore Naber: Hessel Gerritsz...Beschrijvinghe ... the Hague, Nijhoff 1924