Report of the Council of Hygiene
Sanitary conditions of New-York
New York, Appleton and Co. 1866
In octavo, contemporary quarter black Morocco
Title in gilt on the spine
2 free blank end leaves; 18 pages;
FIRST PART: Title leaf ; Large folding map of New York
pp 21-36: Introduction
pp 37-144: Report ..on the sanitary condition of the city,
including 5 illustrations
pp 1-350: Reports of the sanitary inspectors,
including one folding map and 46 illustrations
pp 351-360: Index
Condition: excellent
This is the second edition (first 1865) of a path breaking public health study by 29 teams in the 29 districts that constituted XIX century New York. It documents the direct ...
Relacion del ultimo viaje...
Estrecho de Magellanes...
& Apendice
Madrid, viuda de Ibarra. 1788 & idem 1793
(Palau 352514 y -515; Sabin 16765 & 1729; Hill 1756)
In quarto; contemporary red morocco
Spine comparted and gilt embossed
Handpainted, blue endpaper
Portrait: Magellan
2 lvs; 7 lvs; folded map; p. 1-70; 4 folded tables;
p. 75-160; one folded map; p. 161-360; two folding maps.
(Apendice 1793):
2 nn lvs; p.1-97; folding table (=98); p. 99-128; folded map
Complete with 5 folding maps and 5 folding tables. Good overall internal condition, slight water staining at the last leaves.
Composite atlas (no title)
Amstelaiedami apud Reinervm et Iosvam Ottens
1730 or shortly afterwards (no date)
Koeman Ott(ens) 1; Cf. Philips 522
Engraved title page, 119 double-page engraved maps of which 14 folded and 6 double-page engravings, all except one coloured in a fine contemporary hand. Special items are:
Leo Hollandicus, Comitatus Hollandiae Denua Formâ Leonis, published by Claas Janszoon Visscher and dated "1648" in the plate
...Nieuwe Kaart van Gooilandt.., Gerrit Post published by R. & J. Ottens, 51x83 cm ca. 1725
Large folio 53,5 x 33 cm, recent binding, made to style.
Rare early 18th-century Dutch composite atlas consisting of maps of Africa (3), Asia (4), ...
Johan (Joao) de Castro
...Reys door Portugijzen na
Souez, Socotera..., de Roode Zee, 1540-41 AND
Rouwolf, Leendert,
...Reysen na...Syrien; Joodse land; Arabien;
Assierien en Armenien, 1573
Leyden, van der Aa, 1706
In folio, modern half black morocco and paper over boards
Title page with engraving; 44 columns on 22 pp and 5 plates in the text.
Title page with engraving 2 n lvs; 2 folding maps; 204 columns on 102 pp;
4 plates in the text; 4 nn lvs, index
Maps are:
Rouwolfs reystocht door de Levant...., 16x22,5cm, and
Rouwolfs landreyze van Aleppo ...
Diarium vel descriptio....Australi
Amsterdam, L. Vlasbloem 1662. (Sabin 77961; Tiele memoires Schouten z, pp 52).
In small quarto, later vellum binding. 4 nn leaves, 6 folding maps & plates, 1 folding map added in manuscript on old paper
72 pages, last page blank. Complete according to tabellae.
This is the third reprint by Dirk Vlasbloem of Schoutens journal in Latin (first & second, both 1648). All of these Vlasbloem editions are extremely rare. Tiele and the index of this book gives 6 plates for this ...