De reis om de wereld van Olivier van Noordt
s Gravenhagen, Martinus Nijhoff. 1926
Published by Martinus Nijhoff, s Gravenhage (1926)
2 Vols, quarter cloth
12 nn lvs; 266 ppages; 40 plates; 2 folding, two lithographed maps
4 nn leaves 1 photograph, 2 nn lvs; 300 pp; one lithographed map
The first Dutch circumnavigation (1598-1601) under Olivier van Noordt. Van Noordts passage through Magellans Strait was the first successful one by the Dutch. His voyage was intended to harass the Spaniards where their defences were weak: the Pacific. Spain considered the Pacific a Spanish lake, albeit a big lake. However, the cities along the South American west coast were badly defended. Van Noordt was successful in attacking at the Philippines. In that battle the Spanish lost their flagship, the galleon San Diego, the wreck of which was found in 1992 and yielded a treasure in porcelain and gold pieces Van Noordts circumnavigation, the first Dutch circumnavigation and the fourth overall after Magellan, Drake and Cavendish proved to be a best seller. His neighbour in Rotterdam, the printer van Waesbergen, obtained the right and published a summary of van Noordts journal within a month upon his return (1601). The only surviving copy is in the Lenox collection (now NYPL). The full journal was published by Waesbergen, together with Cornelis Claeszoon without date but probably still in 1601. The latter provided aid with the maps and other engravings. These are by Baptista van Deutecom and Benjamin Wright (Borneo).