A short relation of the River Nile
London, Martin 1673. (cfr. Gray 2657). In octavo, contemporary calf, restored. 56 lvs. Complete.
Father Lobo (S.J.), 1593-1678, a Portuguese Jesuit went to Ethiopia in 1634 and stayed there all his life. His Historia do Ethiopie, Coimbra 1659 was famous and translated in French (la Haye, 1728). There is another translation, made from a manuscript, not the original printed version, published in Amsterdam in 1728 also in 1728 as "Voyage historique d'Abysinnie. The text was also included in Thevenots Recueil de Voyages. Gay mentions two UK translations of the book, one in 1735 (Brunet 20812), another in 1789. Obviously the text remained ...
Relationi universali...
Girolamo Brusoni
di Stato e di Religione
Botero, Giovanni
Della ragion di stato et Della grandezza delle Citta
et una relatione del Mare
Botero, Giovanni
Aggiunte fatte allá sua Ragion di Stato et Relatione del Mare
Venetia, Bertani, 1671
In cuarto, 22x16,5 cm
Contemporary stiff vellum
Title in manuscript on the spine
Woodcut initials and end pieces in contemporary color (red only)
Botero: 4 nn lvs; 746 pp; 20 nn lvs including 4 folding maps;
Brusoni : 206 pp; 7 nn lvs
Botero, Citta: 4nn lvs; 162 pp; 7 ...
Journael van de Voyagie...
Admiraal Joris van Spilbergen
Amsterdam, Saeghman circa 1663
(Tiele, Journaux No. 72)
In quarto. XIX century quarter calf
32 lvs, A-H in 4
Title page with copper plate engraving,
In verso: full page portrait of Spilbergen in woodcut frame
8 text plates: one copperplate engraving, taken from Hartgens edition and 7 original woodcuts. Including the DODO
Text in two columns
Condition: fine
Spilbergens was the fifth circumnavigation ever after Magellan; Drake; Cavendish and van Noordt. The voyage took place between 1614 and 1618. Spilbergen was an ...
Diarium vel descriptio...
qui a parte Australi freti Magellanici...
fretum in Magnum Mare detexit
Amsterdam, L. Vlasbloem. 1662
(Sabin 77961; Tiele memoires Schouten z, pp 52)
In small quarto, modern quarter morocco binding.
4 nn leaves
6 folding maps & plates
1 folding map added in manuscript on old paper
72 pages, last page blank
Complete according to index (tabellae)
This is the third reprint by Dirk Vlasbloem of Schoutens journal in Latin (first & second, both 1648). All of these Vlasbloem editions are extremely rare. Tiele and the index of this book give 6 plates for this Vlasbloem edition which would thus be complete. In our ...
Diarium vel descriptio....Australi
Amsterdam, L. Vlasbloem 1662. (Sabin 77961; Tiele memoires Schouten z, pp 52).
In small quarto, later vellum binding. 4 nn leaves, 6 folding maps & plates, 1 folding map added in manuscript on old paper
72 pages, last page blank. Complete according to tabellae.
This is the third reprint by Dirk Vlasbloem of Schoutens journal in Latin (first & second, both 1648). All of these Vlasbloem editions are extremely rare. Tiele and the index of this book gives 6 plates for this ...
Eerste schip-vaert der Hollanders naar Oost-Indien
met vier schepen
Amsterdam, Joost Hartgens, 1650
Tiele 121
In small quarto, recent quarter calf binding
102 pp, including title page with woodcut illustration
6 text engravings in copper plate as follows:
A5r. Inhabitants cape of Good Hope
D4r. Bantam
E1v. Dance at Java
E2v. Council at Ambon
E3r. A nobleman from Bantam
G1r. A woman follows her deceased man into the fire
G2r. The island St Helena
Verhael van de eerste Schipvaert.. by t Noorden om...
Joost Hartgens
Amsterdam, Adriaan Roest, 1650
Tiele, Memoire nr 102;
65 pp (last blank)
Pp 1&2: Title page with woodcut plate
6 original text engravings on copper plate
Small in quarto
XIX century cut and rebound in half brown morocco
Title in gilt on the spine
Hole in title page in old restoration, probably when rebound. Cut short just affecting a few of the headings.
Pp 3-46: The story of the three voyages by the Dutch to find the north-east passage to Cathay (China) in 1594; 1505 and 1596 under Willem Barentszoon and Jacob van Heemskerk. ...
Historis Journael van de Voyage gedaen met 3 schepen uyt Zeelant
Naer dOost-Indien, 1601-1604
Beschrijvinge van de tweede voyage..
onder Steven van Hagen
Amsterdam, Hartgens, 1648
(Tiele Mem 143; Landwehr VOC 251 and 198)
In quarto, modern quarter calf binding
94 pages including one engraved title page.
Spilbergen, pp 1-62, one folding plate with 6 images.
Van Hagen, pp 62-96. Pp 69-91 is translated from Caspar Balbi being the description from Cochin and Pegu.
Voyage to Ceylon (1601-1604) was carried out before the Dutch East India Company, VOC, was created in 1602 and paid for by the Flemish entrepreneur de ...
Oost en West Indische Voyagie...
l Hermite, Jacques
...Voyagie om den gantschen Aerdtcloot...
Amsterdam, Joost Hartgens. 1648
(Tiele Memoire nr. 71 and nr 77)
In small quarto. Modern half calf
Two books in one volume
Spilbergen: pp 3-62, six woodcut plates in the text
L Hermite: pp 3-60, ten woodcuts and seven copper plate engravings in the text.
Lacking the two title pages.
Spilbergens was the fifth circumnavigation ever after Magellan; Drake; Cavendish and van Noort. The voyage took place between 1614 and 1618. Spilbergen was an accomplished admiral who had sailed for the VOC to the Indies (Ceylon) before. He was sent again by the ...
Spieghel der Australische navigatie,
door den ...zeeheldt Iacob le Maire
Nieuwe werelt, ander genaempt WEST-INDIEN
Eyghentlijcke beschrijvinghe van WEST-INDIEN...
Amsterdam, Michiel Colijn, 1622 and 1621 (Ordoñez)
Tiele pp 54; pp 312 -316, nr 297;
Small folio, leaves 275x185 mm
Rebound in 1862 in vellum "spitsel" binding
Clean copy with strong imprint on sturdy paper and detailed provenance.
Bookplate of Johannes Meulman, well known Dutch book collector
(2) (8) 86 pp (= le Maire) : Printed worldmap on the title page ; ...
Oost ende West-Indische spiegel.. and
Jacobi le Maire
Australische navigatien
Leyden, Nicolaes van Geelkercken, 1619.
Sabin: 89450; Tiele, Journaux, [65]
In quarto, oblong, modern brown Morocco over boards
Comparted spine with printed title and date in gilt
Free end leaves, the first with manuscript translation of title page text in English
Signatures: A-Z plus Aa in 4; the four preliminary leaves including the engraved title page without page numbers
192 pp : 1-144: Spilbergen; 145-192: Schouten (and le Maire)
Numbered plates (25) inserted without signature or page number.
Text in Gothic letter, text to the plates in Roman letters
Voyagie om den gehelen wereld kloot
Amsterdam, Michiel Colijn. 1618
(Tiele, Memoire nr 20)
In oblong quarto. Modern full calf
125 (of 132) pp.
Title page with copper plate engraving
25 plates, 3 of them maps (=complete).
Lacking the last 4 text leaves but complete in plates and maps. All pages cut short at the top with slight loss, repaired. Else fine, clean copy
The first Dutch circumnavigation (1598-1601) under Olivier van Noort. Van Noordts passage through Magellans Strait was the first successful one by the Dutch. His voyage was intended to harass the Spaniards where their defences were weak: the Pacific. Spain considered the Pacific a Spanish lake, albeit a big lake. However the cities along the South American ...
Epitome Cronicorum
Nicolaus Henricum, Munchen 1604
(Shirley, 245)
Copperplate engraving, belonging to the present book
c. 6x12 cm, B/W
Title page of Mayr s Epitome Cronicorum
The small double hemisphere worldmap is worth studying. It is a copper plate engraving. The prime Meridian is at Tenerife. Both hemispheres are split in quarters by a broad band as meridian and equator which leads to a deformation of the continents. Both Poles consist of land and further North (and South) there is sea again. The map suggests both poles are actually water surrounded by land and ice. The southern Pole, around und under the Circulus Antarcti, comes twice further North than the Tropic of Capricorn, once under N. Guina (sic) and once under ...