Historia general y natural de las Indias, Islas y
Tierra Firme del Mar Oceano
Cotejado con el codice original por
Jose Amador de los Rios
Madrid, Imprenta Audiencia de la Historia 1851-1855
Palau 89532; Sabin 57990
4 Vols in large, thick quarto
Modern, red, grained morocco; spine, raised bands and gilt titles
Vol I: Frontis with Coat of Arms; 56 lvs Life and works of Oviedo; 632 pp;
5 plates. 1 Leaf: errata
Vol II: 4 lvs; 512 pp; 1 plate and two (one folding) maps
Vol III: 4 lvs; 652 pp; 1 plate; one map
Vol IV: 4 lvs; 620 pp; 4 plates, one folding and colored map
Complete set. Browning of the lithographed plates as usual. Maps and text are fine.
Oviedo spent 20 years in the New World, mostly in Colombia and Hispañola. He arrived in 1505. He was the first to write a natural history of the Indies, Oviedo de la natural hystoria published in 1526. He was also the author of an early history of the Americas, la La historia general de las Indias. The first 19 parts of his historia were published in 1535 by Cromberger in Sevilla, part 20 appeared for the first time in Ramusio in 1551. The following 30 parts are published for the first time here, in 1851-55.
Magnifica edicion en todos conceptos, tanto por el merito historico y literario, como por la presentacion nitida (Palau)